Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
In 1986, a college retiree, Carolan Rosenkranz, wrote a letter to fellow retirees asking those interested in a retirees club to respond to her. Twenty-nine replied and the College of DuPage Retirees Association (CDRA)was born. Thanks to the efforts of many. Some of the founders that helped to get this organization started were: Robert (Bob) Thomas, James E. Love, Robert (Bob) Harvey, Andrew L. Leake, Ruth Nechoda, William Gooch, and William Bell.
Connection with the College Then C.O.D. President, Dr. Harold (Hal)McAninch, presented this association as an agenda item to the Board of Trustees, in May 1987, and our organization became a recognized integral part of the college. The original Constitution of CDRA was adopted on June 20, 1987. On June 30, 1989 the CD Retirees Association reorganized to better facilitate communications between retirees and the college, assuming all retirees as members.
Connection with SUAA
An important change began to take shape in 1991. With the assistance of Hal McAninch and Ted Tilton, who are now retirees themselves, discussions began about joining the State University Annuitants Association (SUAA), founded in 1971. On March 12, 1992, the College of DuPage Retirees Association became a chartered member as a chapter of SUAA, representing our retirees, both dues - paying and non-dues /non- voting members. CDAA became one of the 12 college chapters of SUAA, along with 11 university chapters.
Merging - Social and Advocacy
In September 1992, CDRA President Paul Fina, met with Dr. McAninch to discuss the subject of merging the CDRA with the College of DuPage Annuitants Association (CDAA). The last unmerged meeting of the two organizations was held May 5, 1993; the effective date of the merger was July 1, 1993. Even though there was a “merger,” dues were separate and sent to the respective treasurers. SUAA became our advocacy group with the State legislature and administration.
SUAA has been very influential in obtaining improvements in our State University Retirement System (SURS) pensions, including support for the passage of PA 88 - 0593 (SB 533) in 1994, which put SURS funding on a continuing appropriation basis to correct serious underfunding. Another major commitment by SUAA is to resolve inequities in college retiree’s health insurance costs among colleges and retirees, especially those retirees who do not qualify for Medicare primary coverage.
CDAA is Created
On May 4, 1995 an association constitution was adopted that fully integrated the two organizations (retirees club and the College of DuPage Retirees Association) into the College DuPage Annuitants Association (CDAA). All C.O.D. retirees who are not dues paying members are entitled to appropriate services and communications, but may not vote or hold elective office. 3 CDAA is represented at State Board meetings in June and October annually. State and Chapter newsletters were published, and calls made to request members to contact their legislator s to advance relevant legislation